Fredon Township Crash Kills Teen
Teen drivers in Wayne may indeed be at a greater risk of being involved in an accident compared to other demographics. Yet they need time on the road to develop the experience needed in order to become safe, responsible drivers in the future. Their lack of experience (both on the road and in life) may prompt them to engage in actions that other drivers would likely avoid. Parents and others tasked with teaching them to drive can only offer their best advice on how to handle themselves behind the wheel (and then hope that they adhere to it). When they do not, the results can be tragic.
This fact was clearly evidenced in a recent crash that occurred in Fredon Township. A group of teens was driving around in the Mercedes-Benz that had been rented for their prom the night before when the vehicle lost control and left it road. It ultimately flipped over, injuring three of its occupants. A fourth was killed in the accident. Investigators are still looking into what caused the vehicle to crash.
Cases such as this are tragic not only due to the loss of life, but also the knowledge that those responsible were likely well acquainted with those that. The last thing that the families of those who perish in these types of car accidents want to do is compound the suffering of those who were driving, yet in many instances they may be left with little choice. The expenses that can accompany such tragedies may force them to seek compensation. Anyone in such a position may first want to seek the advice and counsel from an experienced attorney.